
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The shipment has arrived,yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Native Americans in North Dakota
has recieved the shipment we sent them.
They are so happy especially with the Winter
coats.We could not of been able to have done
this without the generous donation,John and the
You guys will surely be blessed!Thanks.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Todays drop off

These items went to a Sandy victim.
She was unable to go get articles due to no transportation.

cleaning agents,mop & scrub brushes
 in the clean up kit that RED CROSS
put together for Sandy victims.
I wonder
how many more Sandy victims were unable
to get items due to lack of transportation?)

Todays weather did not stop us from delivering

Of course FR John needed
his Wawa coffee first,lol

Sunday, January 27, 2013

LUKE 3:11

If you have 2 coats give 1 to the poor if you
 have extra food give it away to those who are hungry

Friday, January 25, 2013


Just read 2 emails that were sent to our holy angels
no.1 email(the clothes for my son they fit him perfect
now where are the jeans I asked for?I told you I am also in
need)response;We do not have a warehouse nor store we can
only give what people have been generous enough to donate to
us.You should be grateful for what you have recieved.We have
your request written down and when and if we get some
we were planning on giving them to you.In the meantime be patient
or put a request on craigslist
no 2 email(Hello this is Sister Kathleen.Thank you so so much
for the new sleeping bags.We gave one this afternoon to a woman who
lives on the reservation in her van.The box of baby items went straight
to our center on the reservation.The center is filled with children and
babies.The parents suffer from abuse and are unable to care for them.
The center is vastly underfunded.A box of children's clothes and
supplies once in a while through out the year would be a blessing.
May God bless each and everyone who made this possible.
Sister Kathleen
response(We are very pleased we could help alittle.Wish we could do more.
We will put a request on our blog for baby and children items and just
maybe someone will read it and send a few items your way.God Bless

St Mike's Reservation
Mile Post 20 Lupton Road
St Michael's Arizona  86511

Thought for today

Prov 14;31
Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting
GOD who made them.To help the poor is
to honor GOD.


As long as families are eligible they could receive;
1.Food stamps
4.School lunch & Breakfast Program
5.Elderly Nutrition Program
Meals on wheels
6.Emergency Food Assistance
7.F.D.P.I.R  for Indians living only on Indian Reservations
8.FOOD BANKS(as long as people donate

Front seat loaded and ready to deliver to Dorothy


for school

Thursday, January 24, 2013

St Michaels recieved for the Navajo's

20 coats,1 box sweaters,1 box blankets and socks.
They need gloves desperately.If you would like to send
them some much needed gloves the address is;
St Michaels' Indian School
Mile post 20 Lupton Rd
St Michael's Arizona 86511

note 'it is not unusual for temperatures to
drop 5 below zero in the mountain area


AMERICA's 10 poorest states
N.C.,Alabama,Kentucky,S.C.,Montana,Louisiana,West Virginia,
Tenn.,Ark., and Mississippi
AMERICA's 5 richest states
Mass.,Conn.,New Jersey,Alaska and Maryland

2012 hunger and poverty fact
Hispanics  26.6%
Blacks  27.4%

Romania & USA are the only 2 countries that have more than
20% of children living in relative poverty.RELATIVE POVERTY means;
a child living in a household where the disposable income is less than half
of the national median income.It is not the same as the hardships in 3rd world countries.
However,it is still a travesty.

Pine Ridge Reservation-South Dakota recieved;

Tote bags for moms,1 box heavy blankets
1 box children's blankets,1 box children's gloves
baby supplies with the tote bags,10 beach towels
1 box children's books,12 new sleeping bags
2 laundry detergent,boxes of cereal and 1/2 box sweat shirts.
Every little bit helps.Wish we could send more
but we want to spread our good fortune of extra
donated items to several outside of our area.

Fr Tony in Illinois has recieved since Christmas

2 boxes of childrens gloves,1 box of scarves with hats,1/2 box blankets
1 box of socks,1/2 box toddler clothes for boys and girls,2 comforters,
10 adult coats,box of 2x sweat shirts,1 box of new underwear,baby clothes,
1 box childrens coats and several easy to read Bibles.
Thanks to Debbie,Fr John and 2 woman from Lakewood that has
sent him items.

Would like to thank the church in Manasqan,NJ

Because of the Manasqan United Methodist Church
we are able to help many this Winter.

Tomorrow's drop off

Winter coats and socks will be given to Dorothy
for the school in Winslow Township.Quite a few
of the students in this school do not have winter
apparel.Dorothy will meet us in Hammonton which
saves us some time and gas.Instead of driving
all the way to her house.Once Dorothy gets the
clothes they will be turned over to 2 teachers who will make
sure the children in need can recieve these items.

Items sent to Lady Of Lourdes -Pine Ridge Reservation

1 box childrens books,1 box childrens coats,1 box shoes,2 boxes blankets
and over 80 pairs of gloves.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More statistics on the Appalachian people

America's oldest mountains are rich in its natural beauty,but ;also 1 of the poorest .
Central Appalachia has 3x the national poverty rate.,epidemic of prescription drug abuse, shortest life span in the nation,toothlessness,cancer and chronic depression.Many support their families with selling moon shine, or day labor.There are some Baptist churches in the area that actually handle snakes,also called sign followers.Although its illegal to handle snakes they still  continue to do it.Alot of their water is polluted with acid run off.Unemployment is 45%.Due to low education and poor skills it is difficult for them to leave their community.We are trying to find someone who we could possibly work with in delivering a bunch of winter coats and gloves to those in need.We have just been blessed with alot of  extra coats. And  we would really like to share it with those who are struggling.Even if they are outside of our area.

Navajo children need books for library

2 boxes of blankets and 1 box of books have been mailed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


 There are an estimated 800 million people around the
world suffer from hunger.Each year 15 million children die from hunger.There are 700,000 people
homeless in USA.The number has grown
20% from 2007-2011.In just New Jersey
there was 7,847 adults & 4,117 children
in the year 2010.It has greatly increased
since the economy has gotten worse.
Many of the homeless suffer from Mental illness or substance abuse.Others have lost their jobs and have not been able to find employment.Many people turn to Food Pantries to get food to help them survive.A  food pantry is a charitable organization that collects can and fresh foods.Food here is free for those in need.Without donations they would be closed.
So next time you sit down and eat think of those less fortunate.If you have extra please donate to your local
food pantry.

Statistics on Appalachian Poverty

 Appalachian Americans are
not generally discussed in text books or in classes.
They are the invisible minority.Appalachians
have low education,high poverty rate
and poor health.Their favorite drink
is mountain dew.They drink so much of it
that alot of the adults and children have
bad teeth.They are even known for giving
babies this to drink when they can not afford
to buy milk.
Some common racial slurs they hear from
others  outside of their areas are (hill billies,red necks,white trash and trailer trash.Its bad enough for these people to deal with their poor economy nether mind dealing with the ignorance
of people about their plight.
We are considering the possibilty of sending
some of these people much needed Winter clothes also.Since we have been blessed with an abundance of clothes etc..

Dorothy knows how to draw a crowd

Dorothy handing out under wear,socks and gloves in Windsor Township's low income complex

The boxes have arrived

Fr John and Debbie
looking through the boxes
in the garage.


pretty to look at but
oh so cold.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lip gloss sale

 Debbie can't pass up a sale.
So we have a whole bunch
now for some teens.
Thanks again Debbie

Homemade hats

 Lorie and Tim dropped
off some hats.One of their
friends made them for us.
Nice work!

Good-bye clean garage

Update from Dorothy

"Great News" Dorothy said
there's a school in Sicklerville in Winslow township
that will be getting clothes from us. There are
many children who go to this school that have no
 socks or proper winter attire.
Some of the boxes Debbie received
from the church will be going there.
Debbie will be dropping the boxes off at our garage
tomorrow.So I am going to take one
more picture of our clean garage,lol

Pine Ridge Reservation Veterans' Shelter-S.D.

This is a 18 bed shelter on the
South Dakota Reservation for
homeless Native American Veterans.
Debbie and Fr. John sent  razors,polident for dentures,
tooth paste& brushes,snacks,3 games ,shampo,
body,tea bags,pancake mix & syrup,
underwear ,socks and tioletries for men.
What the shelter also needs is detergent for clothes
and dishes.If anyone would like to mail them
detergent the Address is below
via  post office;;JOE MORRISETTE director
OST Veterans Homeless Shelter
po box 1983,Pine Ridge S.D. 57770
via UPS;Joe MORRISETTE director
OST Veterans Homeless Shelter
1 Veterans Drive , Pine Ridge SD 57770


Debbie just hates to see our garage empty
she has found more boxes for us.A church
in Manasqan was over whelmed with boxes
for Sandy victims.And this is 1/10th of what was left over.Because they desperately want to clear out the area we are taking them.

                                                                                                                                                                                      The man and woman are Steve and Maureen.
They were so happy to give it to an Organization that will
give to those in need.

DEBBIE TOOK THESE PICTURES (Steve's head was alittle cut off or maybe he just was to tall)


115 coats for children
140 pairs of gloves
50 winter knitted hats
20 scarves
20 blankets
20 towels
1 box of socks for children
2 boxes full of childrens clothes
50 hoodies for males
1/2 box baby supplies
45 sweat shirts for males
3 boxes of winter boots
1 box of childrens shoes
1 box of books
25 coloring books with crayons
1 box of pj's for children
1 box of adult clothes
1 box of infant clothes
1 box of odds n ends
2 bibles

Sunday, January 20, 2013

This is Father John

 For the person who asked if
FR John was a minister.The answer is
NO he is an Orthodox Priest.
And everyone who meets him knows
he is a blessing and 1 of the most giving
people.He genuinely cares about
those less fortunate.

This is a typical poor area in New Jersey

Newark and other cities have
numerous abandoned houses.
If the houses are not knocked
down they often are used as drug
houses,places for dog fighting,
homeless take up residence or
some other type of illegal use.

A few questions asked on email

What does your volunteers actually do?
Why do I read sometimes Holy Angels
other times Reys of Hope?Is this the same
Why don't you publicize your organization
Why do you drop off at peoples homes?
Where do you work out of?
What is the main thing you need?
Answers to questions;
our volunteers do a number of things.
We have 2 seamstress now who makes

homemade clothes,articles and even pj's
for our needy children.They collect and sort
clothes and toys.They deliver items for us.Christmas time
they wrap gifts and do a toy drive for us.They also
let us know if they hear of anyone in need.
Give us boxes to store items in.Take pictures
of drop offs and those receiving items  for the blog.
Follow up with phone calls/reply to those who email us.
And the number 1 most important thing about our volunteers is
they all give from the heart.
Holy Angels Children's Society is the
actual name of our Organization.Reys of Hope
is the name given to our Project in the USA.
Originally Holy Angels started in Haiti,when FR John

was CEO of an orphanage that Fr Tony and him started.
We do not publicize our Organization more
because we would be over whelmed with donations
and our space to accept them is limited.
We try to drop off items to peoples homes because many
who we assist have no transportation.And have no
means to pick items up.Also we do not have an
actual building for someone to come to.
We actually work out of our home keeping
donations in our garage.Once in awhile we have to
ask people to hold on to the items alittle longer.Until
we make room in our garage.
The 1 main thing we need is gas cards since we
deliver items by a vehicle.The other main thing we
would like is a building.To give us more room.

Saturday, January 19, 2013




John is a volunteer who
helps us usually at Christmas
time.Delivering gifts to those

in need.John works for a wonderful trucking company
named PITT OHIO EXPRESS.His boss decided to help us with our charity project.These 4 pallets
of Winter clothes will be shipped to
their other terminal .From there
they will be reloaded onto another truck
and taken to North Dakota.Our expense
is only to pay for second truck being
reloaded.Thank God we were blessed
with the money donation and a wonderful
caring trucking company to make this
wish come true.

John worked all night then
offered his services free to
load up these boxes on pallets.Fr John
was playing

As Debbie,John and FR John
emptied out the garage I was
dropping off items to Dorothy
in Hammonton.

Our small food pantry

Homemade articles for the indian reservations

We have been blessed.
Another seamstress has volunteered
to help us.Her name is Melissa
and she is from Lakewood.
These articles are going to the Indian Reservations.
Best of all she is mailing them to save us the expense.

Mittens & quilted jacket

These definitely should
keep the Native American Children
warm.We might be a very small
organization but our volunteers rock!
And with their donations we actually
make a difference in peoples lives.
We have truely been blessed.