
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Please Help Your Local Food Bank

  Hungry school children this coming summer

During this summer vacation, many school children will be hungry.  These are the children who receive free lunches during the school year.

Due to the drop in donations,  food banks will not be able to carry the load. The best that New Jersey will be able to do is feed 10-20% of these children.

Holy Angels is asking our friends and supporters to Donate to their Local Food Bank.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pat & Fr. John's Activities - May 18 - June 13, 2010

Gave a box of toys and childrens books to a woman who runs a day care center for children ages 1-5 yrs old.
Donated a stroller and exercisor to a young single mom. We also gave her some infant boy clothes.
Donated size 11 shoes to a woman who only had 1 pair and needed some for a job interview.  We also gave her a few nice skirts and blouses.  Since we still have no costume jewelry (anybody - please donate it if you no longer use/need it), Pat gave her 2 necklaces that she had to set the outfits off for interview.
Gave a baby walker to a woman whose little one is trying to walk.
Gave some household items, such as pictures for wall, pots and pans, sheets,  silverware, dishes, pillows etc... to a family who just moved into the area.
Gave crafts to a woman who has a Sunday School service at her house for the neighborhood children.
Gave several religous books to a woman who wanted something religous to read plus one religous statue.
Picked up 3 giant bags of toys for children.
Gave some shirts to a man who is starting over and just started working after being semi homeless and unemployed.  He often slept on a friend's sofa or in someone's car.

Job Listings W/O 6/14/2010

These Companies hire on a regular basis:

Wells Fargo (Wachovia)

It is a good idea to submit an application and your resume so they have your information on file.