
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pat and Fr. John's Good Deeds --

Just got this from Pat:

Some of the people we helped since Feb 2011:

Gave food to 6 families with children  thanks to food donations from Donna and her mom.  One woman with 5 children had to reapply for food stamps because she moved to another house although in the same town.  Her wait would be about 1 month to get approved she said.

Had a few babies born and needless to say we now need more infant clothes both boys and girls.  Gave handmade baby blankets out.  Money was donated to help the one mom who lost her baby for her fuel and electric bill.  All the money she had saved went for funeral expenses.

Gave some shirts and pants to 2 men going through a rough time with looking for work.  One of the men rode a bike in his quest for work as his vehichle broke down and he had no way of paying to fix it.  He resorted to scrapping it.  He used the library computer to contact us.

One mom with 8 children recieved clothes for all,  underwear for 3 yr old son and some toys.  Cereals, peanut butter and jelly, crackers, spaghetti and sauce,  several boxes of mac n cheese, 4 cans juice, soups, tuna fish and tioletries were given to them.

Young inexperienced mom's baby had diaper rash - we gave her 2 tubes of Desitin for her infant and  clothes for her son.  Which reminds me we desperately need DESITIN!

We met an elderly woman  in the store who was upset because she might have to give her cat away.  She said she can't afford cat food  because she just paid a large vet bill.  We bought her a big bag of cat food.  You know FR John has a soft spot.  Hopefully next month will be better for her.

Gave double stroller to woman who had twins.

This past 2 months we have only done 4 pick ups,  donations of childrens items are down.
We made 3 trips to the Atlantic County area; 10 to Ocean county area; 5 to Burlington Co area; 4 outside of these areas.  We need size 6-9 mos baby girl clothes for a young mom who is tired of rewashing same 5 outfits.  She told us all her extra money goes on diapers and formula.

If anyone has infant/childrens clothing to donate, please contact us at,  Thank you.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thanks Karin!

Thank you to my friend Karin who saw my posting on Facebook and donated a fridge to this family.  The woman is so excited to finally have a working fridge.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Helping Another Charity

The Helping Hands Food Pantry in New Egypt is in dire need of a refrigerator for a large family - they are currently using a small dorm room size fridge.  If any one can help please contact them at 609-286-4021 or visit their website

Friday, May 6, 2011

Please Read and Help If You Can

FROM PAT:  Just came in - need help for 2 families that lost everything due to flooding.  They live close to the bay and with all the rain all their items wounded up under water.

Family 1 - Children's Sizes are:

3 yr old boy wears size 3t 
14 yr old girl wears size 14
12 yr old girl size 10-12
12 yr old boy size  10-12
10 yr old girl size 8-10
7 yr old boy size 8

Family 2 - boy needs medium/large shirts  32x32 jeans
They need blankets, lights, household items, bandaids, food, shampoo, towels,  wash cloths etc......

If you can help with clothing or other items, please email Fr. John and Pat at   We will be happy to arrange a pick up at a time convenient for you.  Thank you!