
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fr. John and Pat Update

Since Jan 1/2010,  Father John and Pat have provided help to  37 families, not counting donations to churches and the homeless colony in Lakewood.  We provided Easter Dinners and baskets - some courtesy of our wonderful supporters; not to mention clothing, food, baby items, you name it - to those in need in our area.  The itemized list is fairly long - it will be posted as soon as Suzann gets the updates.
Also please take note, our organization unlike others, does not sell any of our donated items to make money.  The majority of Organizations sell items to cover the expense of gas, storage space rental, etc.  We depend solely on donations and oftentimes  (more often than not :~)  reach into  our own pocketbooks for many of our expenses.   Without the generous support of others, we would not be able to help those in need. 

Please keep us in mind for donations of gently used household items and clothing - we are happy to arrange a pick up and will provide a receipt if you would like one.  If you can, please consider a small monetary donation.  As the economy continues to falter, people need our services more than ever.  
And a PS from me-I am looking for bicycles and scooters for our Mom of 6.  The kids range in age from 11-16 - if you have one to donate please contact us.  

1 comment:

  1. Reys of Hope and Father John helped my girlfriend's grandson so much with donated toddler clothes and toys! Nicholas is 14 months and his mother is single/struggling. We help in ways we can but couldnt do much financially beyond what we already do. Reys of Hope assisted when no others responded.

    Thank you,
