
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why Would You Steal from a Baby??

We have a 5 month old baby boy who was removed from an abusive situation and placed with another family member. We had collected some brand new and nearly new items for him - a brand new swing, an Exersaucer, bouncy chair and other baby items, toys, etc. These items were being staged for delivery in Peaches' yard.

Unfortunately, when they went to load up - they discovered the items had been stolen and additionally, that someone had taken other items from the Reys of Hope truck. We are very disappointed that someone would be so callous and selfish or desperate that they felt it was necessary to steal from us. Especially when we would happily help any person in need.

We know who this person is and are asking by way of this post that they please return our goods so that they can go where they are needed. Just to be clear, we know that the person who took them does not have a need for them and that they are laying in their yard being ruined by the weather.

We are on a quest to replace these items as this child now has not even a swing to comfort him. If you can help with baby boy items for him, please contact us. Thank you for allowing us to vent and for your continued support.

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