
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Rest of Our Christmas Families from Pat/Fr. John

This is the other half of our families list - from Pat and Fr. John.  THankfully the first 10 families have been removed from the list because they have been taken care of by many of you guys.  One note though-please contact Pat & Fr. John at if you want to help any of these folks.  If you would like to help the Burlington area families - please contact Peaches at  Thank you for a ny offers of help.

 Families 1 thru 10 have been taken - God Bless!!  Here are the other families we are helping.

11 -Male age 3 size 4t  pants 5t ,  female age 24 mos size 5, female medium in tops age 19 yrs and medium in sweats,

12-Male age 16  size 12/14 shirts  needs socks and underwear   pants 32x32
female age 15  size pants 24  shirts 24/26 6foot tall
male age 14  size shirts large,needs socks and tee shirts,pants size  medium in sweats
male age 11 size 18 boy pants,oy size 18 shirts or mens medium
male-age 10 size shirts 10/12,pants size 12 boys needs underwear and socks  and likes games or anything to do with cars

13-Boy age 6 size 8/10
   girl age 4  size 5-6
   girl age 1  size 18 mos
   girl 3 mos.old  size 3-6mos
Diapers sizes 3-4 and size 2 are also needed

14-Mom struggling ex gives child support when he wants, has not seen any money in 3 mos.
5yr old girl size 6 needs socks and wants a baby doll
     10 yr old boy  size 12/14 needs underwear  likes board games.

15-Single mom with 5 children (just got layed off)
17 yr old girl size 7/women likes makeup and perfume
14 yr old boy size small men or 12/14 in boys
9 yr old boy  size 10/12 needs under shirts
5 yr old girl size 5/6  wants a doll with blonde hair and coloring books  needs socks and gloves
2 yr old girl  size 3/4t  toys,clothes needed

16-Family barely making ends meet (both out of work-one on unemployment
boy 18 yrs old likes car magizines, size medium shirts,  size 18 boys in pants
girl 16 yrs old likes pretty things,jewelry,make up and nancy drew books

17-Darlene-mom - family of 4
15 yr old boy-3 x clothes
14 yr old girl-3 x clothes
both of these children are 6 ft tall and some inches
6 yr old boy-7/8 clothes
3 yr old girl-4/5 clothes

18-Grandma with 8 kids has been taken care of pretty much.

19-Family of 6 up and moved from Bayville section 8 motel no return address.

20-Ami-single mom, use to work in bar, owner propositioned her and kept making her feel uncomfortable.She quit. Now working pt in marketing with no benefits.  Father of kids sends money when he wants. She has not seen any in past 2 months and he no longer resides where he was. She wants the kids to have a xmas even if the items are used.
boy age 13-size 14  needs underwear
boy 2 yr old-size 4 clothes
girl 15 yr old-size 16/18

20-Shelly-An Aunt raising sisters kids with her own
total 5
boy  age 10-size 10 husky,medium mens shirts
boy  age 13-size 12/14  clothes(tall and thin
boy age 8-10/12 clothes
girl age 5-size 6(thin
her daughter age 5-size 8/10 little chubby

21-Cindy and Husband both layed off waiting for unemployment
2 yr old boy-size 2t/24 mos
5 yr old boy-size 6

We split the list up because so many are in need and having problems. Majority are welfare families with no male figure around.

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