
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Couple of Things

FYI - thank you all who donated - we provided school supplies for more than 10 families.  If you made a financial donation to us - please be assured that the money went for the purpose that you gave it.  It's great to be able to help others in this horrible economy.

Also, I want to say that I lost my best girl, Shelby, the Reys of Hope Mascot late last week and haven't felt like doing much - like updating the blog and stuff - I apologize - she was 15 years old and my little sweetheart - here's her cute little face for your viewing pleasure :~)

Shelby So Pretty

Shelby in her Wheelchair

She was always under the table when Fr. John and Pat came for coffee and muffins - ever hopeful for some treats.  She was there when we made the flannel pj pants.  She was Sophie's sled dog - hopping on her toboggan to be pulled around in the snow.  She loved my grandchildren and they loved her.  She knew they were a great source of dropped food.  We will all miss her - the pet lovers at Reys of Hope and Sophie and Alex - her two little people.

I hope you enjoy Labor Day weekend and we get the rain we so desperately need.  


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