
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Part of email from a woman who we told she would have 2 wait until DEC

WOW I feel you sort of blew me off.Makes me wonder about your true motives behind your activities.I will no longer be helping your group.I did not plan on adopting a family but have many new and used items.

This person wanted us first to pick up right away .They live in Williamstown,NJ,although she has donated before.Because Peachess was in the area and picked them up.Then this person was nice enough to email us and say she would just drop them off.I explained to her we can not accept these items until December because I am so swamped with drop offs and local pick ups . I do not have a free day until Dec.We live in a senior citizen community and it is against the rules to drop off items .Unless we were home to put in our garage immediately.We hope this person will enjoy her holidays. If they could wait until we are able to meet them we would love to have the items.We are sorry she is upset that we can not accomadate her fast enough.There are only 3 full time volunteers and 2 holiday volunteers.And believe me they are all delivering ,sorting,wrapping and picking up for Burlington County,Camden County,Ocean County and Atlantic coutny.Not counting working at their jobs!Very difficult sometimes,we do the best we can.

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