I hope I am emailing this to the right place.I looked at your site.Its amazing what you;s do.I do not know how to thank you and your organization.I just about thought no one cared enough to help us .You and your volunteers are definately angels here on earth.If there were more people like you's no one would ever be without.Again thank you I willl never forget your kindness at the store.
I emailed her back and told her I think our volunteers are angels also.I was at shop rite when this woman was in line to buy some groceries and was putting alot of the food to the side.She went over the amount of money she had on her.She was very embarrased but I told her I happened to have a gift card for Shop Rite donated by one of our volunteers.And their holiday wish was to give it to someone in need.I had to go on and on about Reys of Hope and how it would really be appreciated if she would take it.Reluctantly she took it.She was teary eyed and grateful.
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